Do you have a Domestic Violence Order against you?


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image of a protection orderIf you are served with (given) a Domestic Violence Order, you should get legal adviceACTNSWNTQldSATasVicWA about your options as soon as possible.



image of courtThe documents you are given will say where and when you have to go to court. You should turn up to court or an order may be made without you there.



image of person with magnifying glassRead the order carefully. Do not break the conditions of the order, even if you don’t agree with them.




image of a lightbulbIf you have a Domestic Violence Order against you, the order is not a criminal charge and does not give you a criminal record. However, if you break any of the conditions of a Domestic Violence Order that is made against you, then you may be charged with a criminal offence. See what happens if someone breaks a Domestic Violence Order?



image of police officerSometimes the police apply for a Domestic Violence Order to protect someone and their children. It may not be up to the protected person whether the Domestic Violence Order goes ahead or not.


image of person on phone


If you are a man and you are worried about domestic and family violence you can call:

For other services, see get help.

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image of a lightbulbDomestic Violence Orders are civil orders. This means is if an order is made against you, the order is not itself a criminal charge and does not give you a criminal record.



image of a person ripping papersHowever, if you break any of the conditions of a Domestic Violence Order that is made against you, then you may be charged with a criminal offence. See what happens if someone breaks a Domestic Violence Order?


Having a Domestic Violence Order made against you may or may not affect things like:


image of person playing with child• spending time with your children



image of adult sitting with child• working with children



image of a gun• gun and weapons licences and security guard licences



image of leaving or travel• what happens with your visa



image of a house• what happens with your tenancy.




Also see can I make arrangements for children when there’s a Domestic Violence Order? and consider how domestic and family violence affects children.

See resources for more information.

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© Copyright National Legal Aid 2019. All rights reserved. All illustrations by Frances Cannon.

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