Things have changed and I want my children back – what can I do?


image of a care orderIf your matter has finished at the Children’s Court or Youth Court, you will have final Care Orders. Sometimes, those orders will say your children don’t get to live with you.




image of a helping handIf your Care Orders say this, it can be really tough. You may want to get help and support.

If you think things have changed since the Care Orders were made, you may be able to apply to the court to change or cancel the orders.



image of person pushing dark cloud awayTo do this, you will need to show that there has been a significant change of your circumstances since the Care Orders were made or last changed. This could include leaving a violent relationship or working with support services to address issues affecting your parenting.




image of a childThe court will also look at other important things like how long your children have been cared for by their carer, your children’s relationship with them, your children’s age, the impact on your children of changing their care arrangements again and what is best for your children.




image of legal adviceThe law is different in each State and Territory about how and when you can apply to change or cancel the Care Orders, so you should get legal advice.ACTNSWNTQldSATasVicWA




image of a lightbulbFor some practical tips about what may help you get your children back, see what can I do to help me get my children back. You should also get legal adviceACTNSWNTQldSATasVicWA about your situation.

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© Copyright National Legal Aid 2019. All rights reserved. All illustrations by Frances Cannon.

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